Media, Technology, and Learning
In history, media and technology have an influence on education. For example, computers and the Internet has affected the learning process to date. The rules of educators and learners have changed under the influence of media and technology used in the classroom.This change is essential, as a guide in the learning process, educators (teachers) are entitled to examine the media and technology in the context of learning and it's impact on student learning outcomes.LEARNINGLearning is the process of developing knowledge, skills, or behavior development as an individual interaction, involving physical facilities, psychological, learning methods, media, and technology. Learning is a process made all the time by any individual.Thus, learning is a process involving the selection, arrangement, and messages are appropriate to the environment and how learners interact with that information. Thus, in view of the psychological insights and views filusuf. This discussion will also describe the various rules of media in learning and showing different methods, such as presentations, demonstrations, and discussions will be tech-related learning.1. Psychological Perspective on LearningHow instructor showing the role of the media and technology in the classroom, it will depend how far they will understand how people have learned to use it. Here are some perspectives related to psychological perspectives on learning:
■ behaviorist PerspectiveIn the mid 1950s, the focus of learning begins with the formation of stimulus to the learner to respond to the stimulus. Skinner demonstrated that the behavior of an organism can be shaped by reinforcement or rewards, and responded to the desire by the environment. The result is the emergence of the learning that has been programmed, a technique in guiding learners through the steps of a lesson to a desired level of performance.■ Cognitivist perpectiveOn the other hand cognitive Saxon has made a contribution to the theory of learning and instructional design to create models of how learners receive, proceeds, and manipulate information. Adherents Kognitivis see differently will learn patterns that have been used. For example, creating a capability is called the short-term memory and long term memory. The new information is stored by the short-term memory, where information is said to be ready to be trained to be stored in long term memory. Adherents Kognitifistik broad perceptions of independent learning. Thus, the student combines information and skills in long-term memory to develop cognitive strategies, or skills related to complex tasks.
Jean Piaget illustrates cognitive psychology demonstrate that individual mental processes used to respond to their environment. Piaget divides concepts of mental development into three sections namely; schemata (skeleton), assimilation (assimilation) and accomodation (accommodation).
■ schemata: individual mental structures that organize the environment. Schemata have adopted or have been changed in line with the mental development and learning. Schemata used to identify, proceeds, and store incoming information and can be understood as a category of individuals who used to be used to classify specific information and experiences. Young children learn to characterize the father and mother. They eventually separated the dog and cat, and then understand the difference berfariasi any dog. This distinction is based on the experience that led to the development of schemata or the ability to classify objects of karaakteristik-characteristics that are significant for them.■ assimilation: assimilation is a cognitive process in which learners integrate new information and experiences into schemata.■ Accomodation: the process of modifying existing schemata.
When dealing with a new concept or a new experience, learners attempt to assimilate into existing schemata. When it became unfit, then there are two possible responses, namely: (1) learners can create a new scheme in which the stimulus in place, or (2) existing schemata can be modified so that the new stimulus would be suitable. These processes are a form of accommodation. Schemata increase over time in the response will be a learning experience.Constructivist PerspectiveKonstruktvisme is a growing movement far beyond the kognitivis confidence. Constructivism consider student engagement in meaning as the core of the learning experience. Constructivist emphasizes that students create their own interpretations of the world of information. Constructivism says that students put their learning experiences with his own experiences teaching and learning purposes is not information but creates situations so that students can interpret information with pemahamnnya own. The role of learning not to pull out the facts but to provide students with ways to collect information.Constructivism believes that effective learning occurs when learners (students) engage in authentic tasks related to meaningful contexts. Then the last measure of learning based on the ability of learners (students) in the use of knowledge to facilitate the way of thinking of the life really is.Social-Psychological PerspectivSocial psychology is another tradition that has been established in studies of teaching and learning. Social Psychology looked at the impact of social organization for learning in the classroom. Is the composition of the study group in the class-independent learning, small group, or the class as a whole? Is the arrangement of power-how much students can control their own activities? And whether the structure is an award-cooperation than help increase competition? Robert Slavin has taken a position as a researcher says that cooperative learning is more effective and more socially beneficial than competitive learning and individualistic learning.Approaches to InstructionLearning is a compilation of information and environment to facilitate learning. Gagne describes learning as, a set of external events for students that is designed to support internal learning processes. As for the environment, not just a place meant the teaching but also the technology, methods, and media necessary to obtain information and guide the students to learn. While adherents of behaviorists emphasize external controls on student behavior, cognitive suppress internal controls, or students, it controls all the mental processes. These differences affect how the media is designed and used.Behaviorists set behavioral goals (achievement), limits the teaching needed to master those goals. When programmed instruction was introduced, the material is directly related to the purpose will be filtered. Instructional design based on cognitive psychology bit composed of the psychology of behavior. They allow learners to use cognitive strategies themselves, and they provide an impetus to interaction between students. Learn the tasks required for the process of problem solving, creative behavior.Unlike behaviorist, kognitivistik not limit the definition of teaching learners to show behaviornya.mereka confident learners learn a lot from what is expressed in directly. Kognitivistik, on the other hand, provides a rich environment for learning and provide opportunities for learners to create their own pemahannya. Learning environment rich in learning atauu premises can provide a wide range of media and technology. In other words, at least this is the structure or composition of learning approaches.Trainers and instructional design need to develop a broad-minded attitude will study psychology in schools. As such, we are not required to be loyal to a particular learning theory. If it were necessary behaviorist theory, the techniques from behaviorist theory that we will use. And conversely, if the learning situation requires kognitivistik or constructivist methods, the methods that will be used.Finding a Middle GroundIn this text, the author of this book recommends eclectic approach to learning. It is inspired by each psychological perspective, and the designers have developed a robust framework for learning. In fact, learning practices characterized by the actual success is supported by a variety of perspectives, such as the following:
■ Active participation. Effective learning occurs when students are actively on the meaning of the tasks, and interact with the contents of these tasks.■ Practice. New learning requires more than one exposure to reach the roots; practice, especially in various contexts, shows the average memory capacity and the ability to apply new knowledge, new skills, or new behaviors.■ Individual differences. There are various forms of student's personality, talents general, the knowledge of an object, and many other factors; effective method allows students to progress at different speeds, different materials and even participate in different activities.■ Feedback. Learners need to know whether his ideas are correct path or not the teacher can give feedback on the correction of paper, electronic messages from the computer, the system suati assessment of the race, or the other way.■ Realistic contexts. We tend to prefer to remember and apply the knowledge presented in the context of the real world; rote learning led to "inert knowledge", where we know something but never apply it in real life.■ Social interaction. Fellow teacher who worked as a tutor or a member of a group that should be able to provide encouragement panuti good education as a given society.
Learning framework will be examined in detail trying to incorporate a number of features of this pedagogical. The value of all of them are actively participating and interacting. Students are also encouraged to use your new knowledge of their skills, or behavior by providing frequency and berfariasi.bagaimanapun practice, learners take turns in the lefel which emphasize their other traits.This follows the eclectic approach that is essential when selecting and designing media. Many educators support the theory that emphasizes kognitivistik materials rich in stimilus, believes that students learn a lot from, it can be said of the video. For example, students in high school should learn the scientific method even though the target for a video of chemistry experiments in the show did not write the topic.Philosophical Perspective on LearningMore than a few observers have argued that the use of hardware in the classroom has been widespread, and it shows students diperlakuan as if the machine than man, because dehumanization in the teaching or learning process. However, the use of hardware with good, modern learning technologies can be dindivualisasikan and so to some extent this process can not be achieved by considering humanity.If teachers are learners as a machine, they would treat them the way they feel, with or without the use of media technologies and pembalajaran. If the teacher feels the student as a human right, respected, and they have the motivation, with or without the help of media and technology, they will see students engaged in learning. The important thing is how the technology is the technology displayed in the classroom, but more important is how a teacher guiding students in the use of media and technology in the classroom.Learning technology does not preclude a teaching or learning environment. Instead, media and learning technologies for learning can provide an active learning environment and students participate in learning. When media and learning technologies are used properly and creatively in the classroom, it is the function of a machine that can turn on or played occasionally at will, not the students.MEDIAIn plural media is a channel of communication. Media in Latin meaning is "between", this term refers to anything that carries information between the source and the receiver. Examples include video, television, diagrams, printed material, computer, and instructors. These are all considered when bringing a message of instructional media for the purpose of learning. The purpose of the media is to facilitate komunikasi.Sejalan with the school and the campus-based media and networking internet koputer, the world becomes a separate class for learners. Thus uniform school curriculum is considered normal.The conrete-Abstract ContinuumMedia that combine concrete experience helps students to combine previous experience making it easier to learn abstract concepts, for example, students who have seen the various aspects of the construction of elevated road or highway. They see bekarja workers, and they see the stages of the road construction. Aka however, they need to have these experiences to be incorporated into a generalized suspicion about what is meant by the road construction. Show a video that describes the entire process related to each other is an ideal way to incorporate their experiences into a summary of the findings.In developing the theory of learning, Bruner suggested that learning should be directly derived from the experience of the objects presented based on experience (use of pictures and video tape) to the presentation of symbols (such as the use of words).Roles OF THE MEDIA IN LEARNINGMedia has a variety of roles in learning. Learning may be dependent on the presence of a teacher. Even in this situation the teacher may have to rely on the use of media. On the other hand, learning may not require a teacher. As directed learning students are often called "self-learning" although in fact guided by whoever designed the media.
1.Instrutor-Directed InstructionThe use of media and technology in the teaching situation is to provide additional support for instructors to be more alive in the classroom. Obviously appropriate instructional media designed to enhance and promote learning and teacher-based learning support.Research has been carried out and showed istruktur role in the use of effective instructional media. Example, studies have shown that when the teacher introduced the film, linking it with the purpose of learning, the amount of information obtained by the students of the film is increased (Wittich & fowlkes, 1946). Thus it can be said that, whatever it is, it is desirable for the mindset to absorb the learning.2.Instructor-Independent InstructionThe media can also be used effectively in formal situations where teachers do not work or work with other students. In the rules of informal education, media such as video tapes and computers for the course can be used by people who intern at the workplace or at home.Cooperative learning associated with independent learning. Cooperative learning with hypermedia can be directed to spur changes as represented among the students and talk about the direction they are running their responses to learning materials.The use of self-learning materials to allow teachers to take the time to diagnose and correct the problems of students, in consultation with each student, and teach siwa one-on-one and teach students in small groups.Surely this can not be said, that learning technology can or should replace the teacher, but more than that the media can help teachers be creative with teaching experience in conveying information.Media PortfolioThe portfolio is a collection of student work that describes its development during the period. Portfolios are often illustrated books produced manyangkut students, video, and audiovisual. Portfolio students do like the things below:
■ Collect, organize, and share information.■ Examine relationships.■ Test the hypothesis.■ Communicate results effectively.■ Record a wide range of views.■ Reflecting learners and learning activities.■ Emphasis on outcomes, goals and priorities of learners.■ Demonstrate creativity and personality learners.
Portfolios can contain illustrations of books like;
■ Writing such documents, poems, stories, or research papers.■ Media presentation, such as photo essays.■ Audio recordings of the debates, panel discussions, or oral presentations.■ The video recording of student athletics lovers, music, or who have skills in dancing.■ Project multimedia computers with printing, data, graphics, and moving images.Electronic PortfolioThe usefulness of a computer work station with digital video and audio cards, printers, scanners, and digital cameras allow students to produce a digital or electronic portfolio. Electronic portfolios is the meaning of organizing, designing, and displaying the traditional forms portfolio. Everything is a way to assess learning using technology. Physical and social development can also be measured Campbell, 1996).Thematic InstructionNow many teachers who organize learning around the topic, this is known as thematic teaching. Elementary school teachers in particular combining content and skills from many subjects. At the high school level, a team of teachers from different areas work together to show the learning that comes out of the content.These units provide a rich learning environment. Interesting theme should attract the attention of students, providing an experienced problem solver, supports interdisciplinary activity, and includes a variety of media, and technology.Start with the experiences shared by asking students to read the same book, saw a videotape, took part in a simulation, visiting museums, or overheard guests.Then do the skills with which students can use to work together to gather information, analyze findings, draw conclusions, prepare reports group, and share their results in a media presentation. Possible activities associated with research libraries, internet searches, and small group activities.METHODSTraditionally, the method of learning has been described as a "presentation forms" such as lectures and discussions. In this text the author will distinguish learning procedure chosen to help students achieve the learning objectives or to internalize the message. Meanwhile the media, has been established earlier, is the bearer of a message or informsai between source and receiver. Here are 10 categories of methods:
1.Presentation: In this method of presentation, the source explained, and dramatizing information to learners. One-way communication is controlled by the source, without immediately respond or interact with learners.2.Demonstration: The method of learning, learners show a real life. Demonstrations may be recorded and played back by media video. If the two-way interaction or learner wants to practice with feedback, then stay requires instructors.3.Discussion: As a method, the discussions involving the exchange of ideas and opinions between students or students and teachers. It can be used at any stage of learning or the learning process, and in small or large groups. This is a useful way to assess the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of a group of students before the end of learning objectives. In this context, the discussion can help instructors to form the kind of relationship with or without a group that fosters cooperative and collaborative learning.4.Drill-and-Practice: In this method, the learner is guided by a series of training tasks in the design ubtuk improve fluency in new skills or refresh anything. This method is commonly used for tasks math, foreign language learning, and build vocabulary. Media such as audio tapes can be used effectively for this method in spelling, arithmetic, and language learning.5.Tutorial: A mentor in the form of the people, computer software, special printers or materials present the content, be a question or a problem, ask learner responses, analyze the response, supplying the appropriate feedback, and provide practice to the learner's ability level is determined to demonstrate . Coaching is often done one-on-one and is often used to teach basic ketraampilan, such as literacy and numeracy.6.Cooperative Learning: the process by which students learn from everyone when they work as a group in learning (Slavin, 1989-1990). Students can learn not only the cooperation of the media to discuss the text and observe but also produced media. For example, design and video production project is set as the curriculum provide opportunities for cooperative learning. Here the teachers should work with students in any learning situation.7.Gaming: Faced a race often require the skills of learners to solve the problem. Gaming presents pleasant situation where learners determine the rules as they work hard to achieve the challenge. One form habits of learning games is related to how the learning business.8.Simulation: Simulation involves learners face a small-scale version of the real situation. Simulation may involve dialogue participants, manipulate materials and equipment, or interact with a computer. Personal skills and laboratory experiments in the physical sciences are very popular to be simulated.9.Discovery: This method uses an inductive, or examination, approaches to learning. The purpose of this method is to help improve the understanding of the content associated with the discovery sendir. Procedures found earlier learners may come from experience, based on the information in the book reference point, or stored in a computer database. This method can also be assumed to help students find the information they want to know about specific topics of interest to them.10.Problem Solving: Problem-solving process that involves students actively. Students left with limited knowledge, but in line with their peers and consulting kolaboraitif evolve, explains, and maintain a solution or position on an issue. It uses the fundamental reality, the main materials issues introduced by the media (for example, cases in writing, computer basics, a sketch of the videotape). As any part in solving the problem, the students went to the library media center and access to a computer database is also in line with the internet. Learners take a lot of opportunity for them to learn as they are placed in a "shoe" someone plays deal with the real world. Regarding the results of the analysis, formulation issues, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. From this knowledge "learned" so students can use to solve authentic problems. The results of another study concerning the collaborative skills and group skills are essential in today's working world.TECHNOLOGYThe word technology always has the connotation of a diverse, ranging from mere hardware for troubleshooting. As a problem solver in the definition quoted by John Kenneth Galbaraith: "the systematic application of scientific knowledge to set practical tasks".The use of technology as a process of learning technologies highlighted in the definition given by professional associations in this field: "the theory and practice of design, development, use, management, and evaluation process, and the source of learning" (Seels & Richey, 1994).Today, when most people hear the word technology, they will think about technology products such as computers, CD Player, and spacecraft. It merupakn one type of technology that will become a reference like a learning technologist to be used for learning purposes.When referring to technology to enhance the learning process, the author would call learning systems. A learning system consists of components that are related and work together, efficiently and reliably, in the particular framework to provide learning activities necessary to achieve the learning objectives.One role of media and technology are the most important thing is to provide a catalyst for change in the learning environment. Effective use of media requires instructors have a better setting, think about the purpose, menggati daily classroom routines, and evaluate extensively to determine the impact of learning on mental abilities, feelings, values, interpersonal skills, and motor skills.REFERENCES■ Heinich R, Molenda M, James D Russell, Sharon E Smaldino, 1982. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning. Publishing by John Wiley & Sons Inc..DISCUSSION AND DISCUSSIONIn this paper talk about the terms of media, technology, and learning. Learning is an activity of transformation of knowledge, attitudes and values from one generation to another. Requires one channel and the media to be precise. So we need a deep and proper consideration in determining the technology to be used as a learning tool. Additionally, the use of instructional media should also be considered in its use of the various sides. Among the various factors that should be considered in the use of instructional media, among others, the factors effective use of media, ease of use, availability of energy sources is driving the media when using the electric propulsion motors as well as other considerations that need to be adapted to the environmental conditions and cultural communities.In the early portion of this paper is to assess the learning from the point of view of psychology perspective. From a psychological view, clear learning activities can not escape from the perspective of behaviorism. Understand this is a pioneering and became the foundation stone of the birth of contemporary learning theories and modern. Perspective behaviorism found learning is an activity that can be measured and controlled from planning to the results to be achieved. All components of the study are variables that can be controlled and controlled very well by the teachers. Although in practice there are many obstacles and distortions, and not as planned.Of reality found in the perspective of behaviorism is considered to have a number of disadvantages, it appears perspectives to improve or refine the earlier perspective of cognitive perspective. The main strength of mind to understand is positioned as a key element that determines the success or failure of learning activities, followed by an individual. The tools we are familiar with the term mental and mind become the primary means for individuals to adapt to the natural and social environment. Piaget classifies mental processes of individuals in response to their environment in three concepts namely schemata, assimilation and accommodation.In another portion of the psychological perspective of the more "liberal" in view of the learning activities are understood constructivism. Got it believes that knowledge is built by menuruk Courant Courant obtained through akativitas "build" understanding. Learning theory is something that can not be imposed and the results determined from the beginning. In this perspective are more likely to give "freedom" on the learners to construct their own experiences gained during the learning activities. The main orientation of constructivism in learning is the process through which the learner. When the learning process went well, followed by providing a rich experience, the learner will gain a lot of knowledge of the construct processes that follow.Different perspectives in psychology study above, bear the consequences of different approaches to learning that should be followed by the learner. Behaviorism set goals (achievement) as the only measure of success in learning from the learners. Notion of cognitive found that providing a rich environment for learners is one necessary condition that must exist. So that learners have an understanding of their own from the provision of a variety of media and technology. Meanwhile, more constructivist perspective mendekatakan themselves to a process approach.In classroom practice, teachers and lecturers are not expected to be a fanatical follower of one of the above learning perspective. But can choose the one that suits konsdisi understand students and their environment.
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