Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

tugas tulisan bahasa inggris2 softskill(profil profil bank asing yang ada di indonesia)

profil bank mandiri syariah :
Company Profile
A. profile:
Name: PT Bank Syariah Mandiri
Address: Wisma Mandiri I, Jl. MH. Thamrin No.. 5 Jakarta 10340 - Indonesia
Phone: (62-21) 2300 509, 3983 9000 (Hunting)
Fax: (62-21) 3983 2989
Web site: www.syariahmandiri.co.id
Date Established: October 25, 1999
Operating date: 1 November 1999
Authorized Capital: Rp2.500.000.000.000, -
Paid-in Capital: Rp1.158.243.565.000, -
Office Services: 796 offices, spread across 33 provinces throughout Indonesia
BSM number of ATMs: 825 ATMs Syariah Mandiri, Mandiri ATM 10.361, 47.669 ATM Bersama unit (include ATM and ATM Mandiri BSM), ATM Prima 50.316 units, BCA EDC 196.870 units, ATM BCA 10.596 and Malaysia Electronic Payment System (MEPS) 7.435 units .
Number of Employees: 16 554 people (As of May 2013)
B. Shareholding
1. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.: 231 648 712 shares (99.999999%)
2. PT Mandiri Securities: 1 share (0.000001%)


Business Profile 

Citi has the longest presence in the Greek market of any foreign bank, dating back to 1964 and it is currently considered the largest foreign bank in Greece. Citi Greece employs more than 1,000 people and operates two core Greek Corporate and Shipping offices, as well as a solid Consumer bank network with over 700,000 customers.
The Institutional Clients Group is a leader in the local market:
  • Active partner to the Greek State in Advisory, with long track record in privatizations, as well as in Debt & Equity Capital Markets and Credit extension
  • Adviser of choice to Greek banks and corporates 
  • Participated in leading positions in most landmark equity and debt capital market transactions in the country
  • Pioneered Syndicated Loans, High Yield Bond and Asset Backed Securities in Greek Market, introducing Greek corporates to foreign investors
  • Actively engaged in soliciting foreign investor interest for investments in Greece
  • Awarded best domestic Cash Management bank (2009), #1 European Clearing and Settlement house (2009), Greek Investment Bank and Equity house of the year and participated as joint book runner in the European Equity deal of the year (2007)
  • The largest recipient of institutional investor flows for trades on the Athens Stock Exchange
Citi’s has also an established and highly regarded retail franchise, which has often been a reference for the modern Greek banking industry. Customers currently enjoy access to 21 full service branches, a strong telephone and e-banking platform, as well as mobile banking. Citi’s Greek Consumer bank is among the largest card issuers and acquirers, the biggest co-brand and private label partner and one of the first to introduce investment products to the Greek market.  Noteworthy innovations include:

tugas bahasa inggris2 softskill '(rating in a job that involves the workers and managers)'

Job Conditions
Workers Rating
Managers Rating
Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
Workers Rating:
Problems will occur by itself, and usually will not make a mistake worker knows.
• Manager Rating:
Managers usually always selfish and knowing when workers made ​​a mistake then he will not want to know
Feeling ‘’in’’ on things
. Workers Rating:
if we are interested in the job by itself would make such a good job
• Manager Rating:
Manager does not directly respond when workers know already interested in the job
Full appreciation for work done Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
. Workers Rating:
Because if a worker works well, then by itself will give employees the appreciation of its own
• Manager Rating:
The manager was not too concerned with the appreciation for him if the workers do a good job it is enough
Good wages Job Security
Workers Rating:
Workers should be able to make a sustained security in employment insurance.
• Manager Rating:
Manger need to get insurance but do not have to be prioritized.
Job security
security for workers is a very important role, so that they are comfortable doing the job blackmail
safety for managers, is important enough for the workers was not as important as
Interesting work
• Workers' rating:
A worker will choose interesting work and that only they are able menegerjakan
• Manager Rating:
Managers are more interested in what he could master to arrange
Promotion and growth with company
Workers Rating:
Because a worker may be discouraged if there are rising career.
Mangers Rating:
A manager is not concerned with rising career.
Management loyalty to workers
Workers Rating:
Workers are not in compulsory for keepada loyal manager.
Managers Rating:
A manager prefers workers who are loyal to his manager.
Good working conditions
Workers Rating:
Workers do not have to have a work team, which is important a good individual skills.
Mangers Rating:
Manager prefers a good working team.
Tactful disciplining
Workers Rating:
Because a worker should be disciplined.
Managers Rating:
Because the manager be disciplined in order to be a good example.

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

tugas softskili dialog bahasa inggris

Susan Barnes is Derk-typist in raliant insurance. He was a very good worker. This morning he wanted to see mr.Harris, officer manager and handed a letter saying that he give up his job. Susan Mr.Harris not want to go. So he tried to persuade him to change his mind.

Susan: Mr. Harris sorry in advance with respect I would like to resign at this company as a typist in raliant insurance.
mr.Harris: why? it does make you resign from this company?
susan: i want to resign because there are interests that make my family was forced to resign from this company
mr. harris: you try to think more carefully, because the job opportunities are not easy to get anymore
susan: sorry sir, before I've thought about this resignation with mature
mr harris: oh so, so be it if this is your best decision, I can not force anymore. but if you change your mind please do not hesitate to return to this company, because the company desperately needs you.
susan: yes sir, thank you already trust me to work in this company.


nama : rizkal purnama
kelas:1 ea 21
npm : 16212541

High Cost Economy in Indonesia
Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said that the government had continued to reduce various barriersthat create high economic costs. The government had consistently taken steps on reducing high economiccosts such as in the construction of infrastructures like toll roads, expansion of seaports and building dry ports. Besides that, the government also continued to reduce bureaucratic constraints, regulations thatdiscouraged investment and fighting against illegal levies. Earlier, a number of businessmen complainedof high production costs. They considered that there were still a lot of home works the government had toaccomplish. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had previously stressed the importance of reducinghigh costof economy(http://en.voi.co.id/voi-news/2733-indonesian-govt-continues-to-reduce-high-cost-economy  
)Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar asked the local government tosuppress and eliminate the high cost economy practices in their respective regions. "One of theefforts to raise the wages of the worker / laborer is to suppress and eliminate the causes of thehigh cost burden on business in Indonesia," for the cost of an expensive venture into economic barriers that create difficulties entrepreneurs develop their business and increase the wages of workers significantly,"We continue to encourage local governments to improve the climate of employment in theregion, by eliminating the practices of extortion, simplify licensing convoluted and unclear charges that had been burdening other entrepreneurs," business in Indonesia can raise workers'wages when a decline in the cost of production, the emphasis (high cost economy), improvementof infrastructure and processes are easy and inexpensive.Kemnakertrans Party has issued the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of Indonesia No.13 of 2012 on Components and Implementation Phases Living Needs Achievement is arefinement Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No.17/MEN/VII1/2005.Dalam perfecting new Permenakertrans the original number of species need46 types of components turned into 60 types KHL KHL component. In addition there are 8 typesof adjustment / addition of quality and quantity of the KHL and 1 change type needs.

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Tugas Tulisan artikel ekonomi "softskill"

Media, Technology, and Learning

In history, media and technology have an influence on education. For example, computers and the Internet has affected the learning process to date. The rules of educators and learners have changed under the influence of media and technology used in the classroom.This change is essential, as a guide in the learning process, educators (teachers) are entitled to examine the media and technology in the context of learning and it's impact on student learning outcomes.LEARNINGLearning is the process of developing knowledge, skills, or behavior development as an individual interaction, involving physical facilities, psychological, learning methods, media, and technology. Learning is a process made all the time by any individual.Thus, learning is a process involving the selection, arrangement, and messages are appropriate to the environment and how learners interact with that information. Thus, in view of the psychological insights and views filusuf. This discussion will also describe the various rules of media in learning and showing different methods, such as presentations, demonstrations, and discussions will be tech-related learning.1. Psychological Perspective on LearningHow instructor showing the role of the media and technology in the classroom, it will depend how far they will understand how people have learned to use it. Here are some perspectives related to psychological perspectives on learning:
■ behaviorist PerspectiveIn the mid 1950s, the focus of learning begins with the formation of stimulus to the learner to respond to the stimulus. Skinner demonstrated that the behavior of an organism can be shaped by reinforcement or rewards, and responded to the desire by the environment. The result is the emergence of the learning that has been programmed, a technique in guiding learners through the steps of a lesson to a desired level of performance.■ Cognitivist perpectiveOn the other hand cognitive Saxon has made a contribution to the theory of learning and instructional design to create models of how learners receive, proceeds, and manipulate information. Adherents Kognitivis see differently will learn patterns that have been used. For example, creating a capability is called the short-term memory and long term memory. The new information is stored by the short-term memory, where information is said to be ready to be trained to be stored in long term memory. Adherents Kognitifistik broad perceptions of independent learning. Thus, the student combines information and skills in long-term memory to develop cognitive strategies, or skills related to complex tasks.
Jean Piaget illustrates cognitive psychology demonstrate that individual mental processes used to respond to their environment. Piaget divides concepts of mental development into three sections namely; schemata (skeleton), assimilation (assimilation) and accomodation (accommodation).
■ schemata: individual mental structures that organize the environment. Schemata have adopted or have been changed in line with the mental development and learning. Schemata used to identify, proceeds, and store incoming information and can be understood as a category of individuals who used to be used to classify specific information and experiences. Young children learn to characterize the father and mother. They eventually separated the dog and cat, and then understand the difference berfariasi any dog. This distinction is based on the experience that led to the development of schemata or the ability to classify objects of karaakteristik-characteristics that are significant for them.■ assimilation: assimilation is a cognitive process in which learners integrate new information and experiences into schemata.■ Accomodation: the process of modifying existing schemata.
When dealing with a new concept or a new experience, learners attempt to assimilate into existing schemata. When it became unfit, then there are two possible responses, namely: (1) learners can create a new scheme in which the stimulus in place, or (2) existing schemata can be modified so that the new stimulus would be suitable. These processes are a form of accommodation. Schemata increase over time in the response will be a learning experience.Constructivist PerspectiveKonstruktvisme is a growing movement far beyond the kognitivis confidence. Constructivism consider student engagement in meaning as the core of the learning experience. Constructivist emphasizes that students create their own interpretations of the world of information. Constructivism says that students put their learning experiences with his own experiences teaching and learning purposes is not information but creates situations so that students can interpret information with pemahamnnya own. The role of learning not to pull out the facts but to provide students with ways to collect information.Constructivism believes that effective learning occurs when learners (students) engage in authentic tasks related to meaningful contexts. Then the last measure of learning based on the ability of learners (students) in the use of knowledge to facilitate the way of thinking of the life really is.Social-Psychological PerspectivSocial psychology is another tradition that has been established in studies of teaching and learning. Social Psychology looked at the impact of social organization for learning in the classroom. Is the composition of the study group in the class-independent learning, small group, or the class as a whole? Is the arrangement of power-how much students can control their own activities? And whether the structure is an award-cooperation than help increase competition? Robert Slavin has taken a position as a researcher says that cooperative learning is more effective and more socially beneficial than competitive learning and individualistic learning.Approaches to InstructionLearning is a compilation of information and environment to facilitate learning. Gagne describes learning as, a set of external events for students that is designed to support internal learning processes. As for the environment, not just a place meant the teaching but also the technology, methods, and media necessary to obtain information and guide the students to learn. While adherents of behaviorists emphasize external controls on student behavior, cognitive suppress internal controls, or students, it controls all the mental processes. These differences affect how the media is designed and used.Behaviorists set behavioral goals (achievement), limits the teaching needed to master those goals. When programmed instruction was introduced, the material is directly related to the purpose will be filtered. Instructional design based on cognitive psychology bit composed of the psychology of behavior. They allow learners to use cognitive strategies themselves, and they provide an impetus to interaction between students. Learn the tasks required for the process of problem solving, creative behavior.Unlike behaviorist, kognitivistik not limit the definition of teaching learners to show behaviornya.mereka confident learners learn a lot from what is expressed in directly. Kognitivistik, on the other hand, provides a rich environment for learning and provide opportunities for learners to create their own pemahannya. Learning environment rich in learning atauu premises can provide a wide range of media and technology. In other words, at least this is the structure or composition of learning approaches.Trainers and instructional design need to develop a broad-minded attitude will study psychology in schools. As such, we are not required to be loyal to a particular learning theory. If it were necessary behaviorist theory, the techniques from behaviorist theory that we will use. And conversely, if the learning situation requires kognitivistik or constructivist methods, the methods that will be used.Finding a Middle GroundIn this text, the author of this book recommends eclectic approach to learning. It is inspired by each psychological perspective, and the designers have developed a robust framework for learning. In fact, learning practices characterized by the actual success is supported by a variety of perspectives, such as the following:
■ Active participation. Effective learning occurs when students are actively on the meaning of the tasks, and interact with the contents of these tasks.■ Practice. New learning requires more than one exposure to reach the roots; practice, especially in various contexts, shows the average memory capacity and the ability to apply new knowledge, new skills, or new behaviors.■ Individual differences. There are various forms of student's personality, talents general, the knowledge of an object, and many other factors; effective method allows students to progress at different speeds, different materials and even participate in different activities.■ Feedback. Learners need to know whether his ideas are correct path or not the teacher can give feedback on the correction of paper, electronic messages from the computer, the system suati assessment of the race, or the other way.■ Realistic contexts. We tend to prefer to remember and apply the knowledge presented in the context of the real world; rote learning led to "inert knowledge", where we know something but never apply it in real life.■ Social interaction. Fellow teacher who worked as a tutor or a member of a group that should be able to provide encouragement panuti good education as a given society.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Tugas penganta manajemen "hasil pengamatan toko"

                                Toko mie ayam Joyo

Toko mie ayam adalah sebuah warung makan yang modal pertamanya diperoleh dari pinjaman dari bank.Toko ini terlahir Mandiri atau bisa disebut juga memulai usaha dari Nol. Warung makan ini menyediakan berbagai macam makanan yang bisa dinikmati oleh para pembelinya.pelayanaan dan persedian makan di toko ini sangat memuaskan.

Lingkungan di sekitar toko ini ada kantor atau tempat swalayan yang berada di dekat sekitar wilayah toko ini.Di toko ini selain menjual mie ayam juga menjual bakso dan juga mie rebus. Letak toko ini sangat strategis karena berada di dekat perkantoran. Yaitu di samping jalan Jend.sudirman.

Di bidang eksternal.
1.       1.1  Peluang 
       Karena lokasi nya yang sangat strategis jadi peluang memperoleh keuntungan sangat terbuka.
1.        1.2 Ancaman
      Polusi dari asap kendaraan yang bisa membuat makan pelanggan jadi terganggu.

Di bidang internal.
1.       1.1 kekuatan
      Sudah mempunyain pelanggan yang tetap setiap harinyaa.
1.        1.2 kelemaham
     Asap polusi yang sering mengganggu para pelanggan yang sedang makan,ancaman dari  aparat keamanan   atau satpol pp.